1 Bartley Bull Pkwy, Unit 1, Brampton, ON, L6W 3T7
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Dr. Tony Keran
Dr. Steven Monardo
Dr. Steve Monardo
Dr. Iva Keran

Dental Bridges in Brampton

dental bridge brampton

In the case of a missing tooth, a dental bridge can be used to hold an artificial tooth in place. The bridge anchors the artificial tooth to the neighbouring teeth on either side of it, holding it securely in place to avoid potential problems later on. Untreated missing teeth can cause shifting, speech problems, bone loss, and gum disease.

It's important to us that you get treated if you lose a tooth or multiple teeth, because ignoring it can cause much bigger problems. Besides having a complete, bright smile on your face, getting a dental bridge is necessary to avoid any health issues associated with missing teeth.

Installing a dental bridge usually takes just two appointments, and within a few weeks, your smile will be restored - and you'll have good reason to smile, because you'll be taking care of your oral and overall health!

If you have a missing tooth, book your appointment today at our Brampton dental office so we can take a look and check if dental bridges are the right treatment option for you.

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